I’m having a hard time. I’m having a hard time tracking all of this and find myself looking to escape, feeling the need to fully disengage on many levels. Even a quick look at a headline, or a few seconds of audio of news, it’s too much what is happening. I’m trying to be careful and track focus to what is productive. I’m having a hard time. And I know I’m not the only one.
I saw a post yesterday with a quote. The first sentence, “one of the risks of being quiet is that the other people fill your silence with their own interpretation:” Thanks Cheryl K.
I know some disagree with me. Some won’t read because they already know, probably, what I will say when I do decide to say something and they disagree. And while I am not completely silent, there is so much I don’t say.
Another from a few weeks ago still creeps into my brain daily; how you treat those who voted differently than you says a lot about your character. What does who you voted for say about your character? We have let the definition of character, ethics and morality go regardless of the reality of any consequences of a lack there of. What have we accepted and acceptable with a vote?
The current administration is doing everything they can to diminish and adversely impact all of us. Not just who some thought or maybe even hoped it would impact. It will touch every one of us in one way or another.
There is too much at risk, so much at stake today and being too silent just doesn’t feel like an option. I also know nothing I or some might say will change others. That’s life. For now, that’s still our right.
It is beyond me what the threat to some Transgender, Gay, Black, Hispanic, the Houseless actually is. If you pay attention to more than one source or are truly concerned you know better. And you might find things like, immigrants, undocumented immigrants offend at a lower rate than US born. A study in Texas, yes Texas, immigrant arrests are less than half of US born. They also do the jobs that the majority of Americans don’t won’t do. So you should probably go out and buy some chickens, a milk cow, goats and maybe a pig or two. Or plant a huge garden.
What is it about those lives that has such an impact that some lash out with judgement, hate, work to silence or completely eliminate them from the world. What about their life has opened you up to so much hate?
Disparaging and lashing out at a minister for asking for compassion. How did you get there? Is your own house in order?
I’d be willing to bet that this hate comes from people who don’t even know a transgender person, have always looked down on gays and will often say things like, “I’m not a racist”. Code for ‘I’m a racist’. Which they would know and understand if they had done ANY work at all around racism and anti-racism. And why? Insecurity? Fear? Plan and simple, manufactured fear.
What does one do with manufactured fear that has been manipulated by the most insecure, incompetent, weak, narcissist on the planet? Do they believe that the hate will save them? Somehow expunge their perceived scourge from the earth? Do they believe that fear is the reality and salvation. Hate will deliver neither. Hate will eat you up. You have to know that, right? As a Buddhist raised in the church, this hate is more foreign to me than anything in my life. I find myself often angry or irritated, but hate? No. No hate. That’s not how I was taught, not how I was raised.
Some have been lead so deep into darkness, deceit and dissolution beyond any level of reality. An ability to return to any level of normal is beyond our grasp. Especially with what feels like the irreversible normalization of that one person who has made a mockery of everything. Everything sacred, everything we held true and honorable, the rule of law, the constitution, religion, science, humanity, decency and compassion. Everything.
Family and friends have split. We can agree to disagree on pizza toppings, but not legislation or laws that will harm innocent, honest good people who don’t want more than any of us, to be safe, happy and healthy.
“May you be safe. May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you live with ease”